Displaying the Back in Stock Button When Variants are Disabled or Cannot be Selected

Sometimes a theme prevents the variants from being selected. Variants will show as crossed out and clicking on the variant will be disabled so that the action does nothing.

In the above screenshot, the sold out variants cannot be clicked on.

This is not a setting in the Back in Stock app, but rather a theme setting -- the theme controls the product page and how everything works and shows. The Back in Stock app only controls the visibility and style of the Back in Stock buttons.

An example of one of our buttons

In cases where some variants are available and some are sold out, the Back in Stock button would normally only show when a sold-out variant is selected. However, in some themes, sold-out variants cannot be clicked to select them.

If the theme prevents selection of these variants, there is a Back in Stock setting for the button to show as long as the product has at least one sold out variant. With this setting, even if the variant cannot be selected, as long as the product has at least 1 variant with 0 inventory, the button will show.

Enable the floating button to show with at least 1 sold-out variant:

To always show the button in this case, start in your dashboard and choose "Customize" from the left navigation menu. Then visit the Theme integrations page and enable 'Floating Button - always show'.


  1. Go to 'Customize' on the left hand side main bar.
  2. On the sub-menu, click on 'Theme integration'
  3. On the Theme integration page, there will be a drop-down menu. Change this to 'Floating Button - Always show'. Then press 'Publish Integration'.

The Floating button will then always show when at least 1 variant is out of inventory.

Enable the product page button to show with at least 1 sold-out variant:

The product page button from the Theme Integration settings does require a small bit of custom javascript code. The Back in Stock team can handle this quickly for your shop when you email [email protected]

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