
Back in Stock has multiple options available when it comes to informing the customer -

  • Email
  • SMS
  • Webpush

The Back in Stock sign-up form has multiple sign up options when enabled. By default the email and web-push options will be active;

Pop-up form with Email & Web-push enabled
Pop-up form with Email & Web-push enabled

But there is also the option to enable SMS as seen below;

Pop-up form with Email, SMS & Web-push enabled

To enable/disable which notifications channel you want on the pop-up form you can do the following;

Press on the Customize(1) button on the main dashboard, then press Notification Channels(2) on the overhead menu. Here you can enable and disable SMS and Web-push notifications. Email notifications cannot be disabled at this time.

You can also configure the default selection on the pop-up form;

From the Back in Stock dashboard go to;

Customize(1) on the left hand side menu, then Signup Form(2) on the drop-down, then Settings(3) on the upper menu bar.

On the page will be the option to change the Default channel(4). This will make the pop-up form have this notification channel selected by default.

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